Book 1

Book 3

Book 2

How Emotional Cheating Hurts Even in Happy Marriages

Couple sitting apart, depicting how emotional cheating hurts | Photo by Pixabay Why does emotional cheating happen even when a marriage seems fulfilling? In many cases, emotional cheating hurts more because it damages trust and intimacy. What’s worse is masking...

Wearing Our Masks: How We Hide Ourselves in Our Daily Lives

Photo by Francesco Ungaro Donald Marcus Welch's non-fiction books My Lost Identity and Hiding My Unhappiness are both explorations on the theme of identity: what it means to be someone and how people can be more mindful of each other, especially those who are most...

Finding Happiness Again After Loss and Regrets

Embark on a transformative journey of finding happiness again through actionable steps and profound reflections designed to help you navigate the pain of loss and overcome lingering regrets. As we go through life, we encounter the good and the bad. Regardless of our...

How to Cope with Heartbreak and Find Happiness Again

Photo by RDNE Stock project Are you broken? Tired? Sad?  But longing to feel what it truly means to be happy again, especially right after a heartbreak? Dealing with heartbreak and, let alone healing a broken heart is a tough undertaking that requires a lot of...

Love Builds Strong Foundations in Committed Relationships

Back Cover of Donald Marcus Welch's book Love is the most critical element in a committed relationship.Without it, the foundation will chip away.-Donald Marcus Welch In a relationship, you might hear someone say that love is not enough. While true, love is still the...

The Love I Thought I Knew: Find Clarity in Your Relationship

Image by freepik Everyone has needs. This is primarily one of the reasons people seek out other people and build relationships, hoping the right person will come and fill their hearts' desires. However, when things go south and needs aren’t met, people have different...

Taking a Second Guess: How Waiting Leads to Good Decisions

Photo by Serkan Göktay In this super-capitalistic, super-action-oriented world of ours, we are primed at a very young age to make a move. To take an immediate step. Always on the move. Moving from one project to the other. Decision after decision. Yes, yes, yes....


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